Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Birthday Shout-Outs!

Sorry to make things personal, but I've got some BIG BIRTHDAYS happening today, and I simply can't resist bringing everyone's attention to these wonderful people!

Giant birthday love going out to my marvelous mother, 
my fantastic friend Samantha (mama-in-crime!), 
and my oldest friend Meg! 

I am so grateful to all of these people, and think regularly about what an incredible impact they've each had on my life. I hope they know that this day isn't passing unnoticed. 

Can you believe how many people I love share this birthday... I'm sure someone better versed in astrology would have something to say about that. Evidently I gravitate toward pisces! I'll ask Emily-- she's bound to have something informative to say about the prevalence of pisces in my life. : )

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