Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Special thanks going out to a couple of other incredible folks...

I know I'm procrastinating with the photos, but I want to take a second to send out a couple of other big "Thanks!" for people who have really pulled through in the last couple of days...

John's best friend Phoebus came up to help on Friday night and hauled ass like a madman all weekend. He was a packing-loading-unpacking-whirly-gig of productivity, and quite literally, we couldn't possibly have made the move without him. And then just when you thought that was enough, he set about to assemble our new grill Sunday morning, and whipped it together in no time flat. I don't know about John, but I'd been dreading the prospect of assembling that bugger, so a special thanks goes out again to Phoebus, for saving us that aggravation and enabling us to make this beautiful dinner...

Another thanks goes out to John's grandma (I call her Babbi, but I think I'm meant to call her Bubbe...) who gave us that beauty of a grill as our anniversary present. Given that our Chambers Stove wasn't slated to be hooked up until Monday, having a functioning grill has really made the difference when dinnertime has rolled in over the last few night. Plus-- John said it's "Awesome! Completely awesome" and then said the words "Flavorizer bars" like 6 times, so I'm thinking it's a roaring success. : )

The next big thanks goes out to John's dad, who showed up at the farm yesterday to drag our very very stuck u-haul truck out of the mud patty that was our lawn. Yes-- you heard right. We managed to get our moving truck SEVERELY stuck in the mud, and it was only going from bad to worse when John's dad arrived. He latched his truck onto our truck using something that looked like a giant friendship bracelet, and miraculously pulled us out, 1-2-3. Not having to deal with that at the end of yesterday prolonged all of our lives considerably, and we can't thank him enough.

This has definitely been a huge team effort over the past month...

My mom was here for four incredible (grueling) weeks taking care of Jules and helping us prep for the move; Julia came up and literally shed blood, sweat, and tears trying to get the floors prepped for the sanders; my dad came and replaced virtually every single outlet and light switch in the house; and we still have people slated for all sorts of help in the weeks ahead. This has been a truly remarkable collaborative effort so far, and John and I just can't believe how lucky we are to have such marvelous people- both family and friends- in our lives. It's easy to be there when it's smooth sailing, but it really says something if people step up when it's a royal pain in their ass.

So, thanks guys! We won't ever be able to thank you as much as you deserve.

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