Tuesday, April 7, 2015

So I'm kind of a big deal...

Great news that came as a wonderful surprise today! 

Just in case anyone was beginning to doubt that I'm kind of big deal (the nerve!), the article featuring our farmhouse from the New York Times was just picked up by Country Living, and they ran the piece on their website!! I think that it goes without saying that this was a pretty rad surprise to discover, totally out of the blue, in my inbox this morning... What a way to start the day!

We're so thrilled to have been included in such a huge publication, and so happy to see all the lovely feedback people have been leaving on their site. (What?!? Shared 8,900 times on FACEBOOK!)

Make sure you swing by and leave a glowing comment at Country Living too-- and tell all of your friends to do the same! I'm taking a conquer-the-interior-design-world-one-like-at-a-time approach, so I'm counting on all of you to do your part!!

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