Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Zoom In!


I don't feel like I've posted enough photos of our living room since it underwent a rather significant pre-Country-Living-photo-shoot-hysteria-driven transformation... I know I mentioned buying that life-changing antique area rug at a local estate sale, and I posted about buying the antique Irish pine coffee table off Craig's List, but I didn't mention moving the TV into Julian's playroom (Victory! Functional TV exorcism is a designer's greatest achievement!) 

Nor did I mention moving the bonked around "head sculpture" onto a plant stand I found on the street, creating a truly lovely vignette in one corner of the room. In fact, I might not have mentioned the head sculpture at all! He's a mother-figure win: She scooped him up for $30 at Brimfield this spring. When she sent me a text with his snapshot and price, I was like,"Bring that fella home! SOLD!!!" Even if he does have a chipped nose and a ding on one ear, he's a hottie... 

Then there's the brass footed bowl I found in someone's "after-the-yard-sale" free box. A little brass polish and it was good to go, though I didn't really have a plan of what I was going to put in said bowl. For the time being, a potted plant seemed like a solid stand-in, though you can barely see the bowl, which seems a shame...

Basically I'm just going to deluge you guys with a ton of photos of our living room because, frankly, it's looking pretty freaking sharp these days, and I kinda wanna brag about it. If you don't like it, come back another day. 

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