So, not only did our Catskills farmhouse land on the Country Living website, but as it turns out, it also graces EIGHT pages of their March 2016 issue.
And, as if that wasn't enough to temporarily suspend the gut wrenching suspense-slash-horror of trying to find an apartment in Brooklyn, in a good school district, with a dog, that isn't a walk-up, within our budget, close to John's restaurant, that isn't completely dependent on the L train in case that stops running (which is might), that doesn't make my aesthetic soul fall out from under me, and oh yeah, now John wants "outdoor space"...

So the good news is that all of this positive media coverage is putting my problems in perspective and distracting me from the growing hysteria I feel about moving. The bad news: We're still moving.
Hi Christina,
ReplyDeleteI saw your spread in the March issue of Country Living online, your farm house is fantastic, gorgeous and your work ethic is inspiring! After reading the spread, I thought-I wonder if she has a blog and documented the reno? I didn't see it mentioned in the magazine,but looked you up online, found your blog and have spent the last few nights obsessively pouring over your blog posts all the back to the beginning, after my kiddos are in bed(and my husband is sick of me telling him and showing him all of your and John's awesome handyness- is that even a word?) You are on my list now of my top blog reads, along with Lauren Liess, Emily Henderson and Little Green Notebook. Not only is your work AMAZING, you are so goddamn hysterical in your writing!
Congrats on the Country Living spread, I know you many more readers for life now:-)
Warm hello from Germany,
Ashley Holdsworth
Hi Ashley!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your enthusiastic comments! I love that you tracked down the blog, and love it even more that you think I'm so hysterical. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one laughing at my life/ my jokes, so it's great to know that someone else is out there, laughing too! ; )
The good/bad news is it looks like this blog is going to be a trilogy-- because after finally finishing renovating our apartment and farm house, we're most likely moving to a new apartment in Brooklyn in the next few months. So, stay tuned to see how that saga unfolds.
All the very best,
Not only is your work AMAZING, you are so goddamn hysterical in your writing!