Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sneak Peek: The Perils of Doing Something Right The First Time.

The title says it all. John and I merrily commenced reorganizing our living room closets and almost immediately ran head-long into a quandary. Do it "right but it takes longer" now, or "regret it later but get it done" now? Anyone who has ever done any kind of home renovation project has encountered this conundrum. The overwhelming desire to get it over with so that you can bask in the rewards of completion contend with the daunting knowledge that if you don't do it properly, you'll be cursing under your breath for years to come...

And so, we decided to do it the right way. The right way entails  removing the little partition that separates the right closet from the left closet (not load bearing- I promise- it's literally a single piece of drywall), reconfiguring what goes where, and then fastidiously sorting through the tools and shmeg to thin things out before they're all reorganized and put back in. I have this pipe-dream plan to also fit my filing cabinets and another desk top inside the closets too, but that is tricky because we still want all of the drawers and cabinets to open when needed. Ugh. This is like Tetris for home design...

The upshot is that we've already gone through the big Dresser-From-Hell that was full of tools and supplies and now they're all beautifully organized in John's new tool chest. He keeps walking past it, opening the drawers and then beaming like a proud father. He gets particularly excited by the drawer with the bolts, screws and nails in it... If you've ever been in the middle of a project and just need that one (#%&!) screw to make it work but can't find it because your tools are all in the Dresser-From-Hell, you can understand the sense of calm that John is feeling when he looks into those drawers. So full of promise! Hopefully by the end of tonight, we'll have something glorious to show for all this hardwork...

Fingers crossed!

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