Monday, June 20, 2011

Renovate Brooklyn! We Reign Victorious!

I thought I would start this morning's posting with a shout-out to both of the fathers in my life, on this most festive of one-day-after-Fathers' Day... It is a safe bet that John and I would both be far less willing to knock down walls, pull down ceilings, plumb the odd leaky drain, and generally "odd-job" if it weren't for our respective fathers, so a big "THANKS A MILLION" to you both. Thankfully, we have just finished our kitchen renovation, so that "Thanks A Million" comes with the most genuine sincerity.

Thank you. You guys are the best. 

Now... onward and upward. It wasn't exactly a "renovation" in the gut-renovation sense of the word, and we didn't end up replacing the counter top (though that may be in the post), but for the time being we're basking in the major improvements of revealing the pressed tin ceiling, painting the walls, trim, and cabinetry, and replacing the cabinet hardware. It looks completely awesome in here.

And with no further ado, I will now besiege you with photos of our newly transformed kitchen. Feel free to swing by for a cup of coffee if you'd like a closer look... I dare you.

For the item-by-item breakdown, here's what we did and where we bought it:

*Repairing the damaged portions of the Pressed Tin Ceiling: The Standard Tinsmith (based out of Bushwick, Brooklyn!)
*Ceiling Paint: Benjamin Moore's Matte Decorator's White
*Kitchen Wall Color: Benjamin Moore's Eggshell Healing Aloe 
*Kitchen Trim, Doors, & Upper Cabinets: BM Semi-Gloss Decorator's White 
*Lower Cabinet Paint: Martha Stewart's Darkening Sky 
*Cabinet Hardware: Gatehouse's Satin Nickel 6" Pulls purchased at Lowe's, approx. $5/per.

Budget Breakdown: 
The Standard Tinsmith: $70.00 for ceiling and tin pieces
Home Depot: $35.00 (approx... for the cabinet paint)
Benjamin Moore: We actually had loads of Healing Aloe left over from the bedroom, so this was freeeee!!!
Lowe's: $33.25 

Total:       $138.25      
Not bad right?! A real overhaul for under $150.00!    

And I'm so flipping happy that we're finished 
working on this room! 

As a last shout-out to Papa, I should also mention that he suggested I say this would be my last in-stall-ment of stalling tactics, now that our kitchen was complete. Oh- fathers! They're never short on puns. It's why we love them. 


  1. $138.25?? OMG! Kudos!!!! Great job!

  2. Thanks Ada! We continue forward... one room at a time!
    Keep checking back to see what we're up to next... : )

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  4. The first thing you do is you have to think about a subject for your kitchen, and it is actually based on many things. First, look at a design you want in your new kitchen or current location and that is where all the confusion and work began.
