Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Check this one off the list!

Another victory for the After-Dinner Design home team. With much flourish and flurry, John and I finished spackling, sanding, painting, and re-decorating the two little bedrooms up at Fox Ridge. (Unfortunately, due to flourish and flurry, it was already rather dark when the rooms were photo-ready, so these aren't the best pictures I've taken... Blame mother nature.)

I'm thrilled with both colors-- the new "Quiet Moments" in our bedroom, and a refreshed version of "White Marigold" which was already in the guest bedroom, in need of some brightening up.

While we were at it, we decided to splash out for a couple of frivolities at Home Depot. By frivolities (which isn't easy to spell by the way) what I mean is we bought new curtain rods to match the brass bedsteads, and cool vintage-looking light bulbs to replace the dowdy looking glass globes on the sconces. I was particularly chuffed with the vintage looking light bulbs! If you're not familiar with these bulbs, they are made of clear glass so that you can see the filament inside. They're all the rage in Brooklyn, and you can buy those bad boys in Williamsburg for $20.00-- PER BULB! And now Home Depot is selling them for $6.00-$9.00, depending on size. Nice.

The curtain rods reminded me that sometimes the real beauty is in the little details-- by adding an extra $12.00 to this project, the curtain hardware now has an intentional quality that was entirely lacking before. Sometimes it's just worth it to spend the extra couple of dollars to get a more "finished" result. 

File that away in your Do-It-Yourself memory bank people! 

Okay, this doesn't really show you much-- but what a pretty picture. I couldn't resist including it. 
If by chance, you'd like to grow your own little narcissus in a pot (the daffodils shown above) they're currently on super-sale over at Restoration Hardware... AND they come with a cute little zinc urn to pot them in. 

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