Saturday, August 11, 2012

Written on Thursday Morning...

The Last Details, Trickling In... Just in the nick of time!

Some of last little elements of the nursery have started to arrive, and I'm beyond pleased with them. The much anticipated Star Egg Lamp showed up earlier this week, and it is truly what dreams are made of. It is so ludicrously cute, and is in a competition with itself about which is better:

Egg Lamp! By Day!

or Egg Lamp! By Night!

I mean seriously, folks. That's pretty charming. Between the Djeco mobile, the Egg Lamp, and this little noise-machine lamb that was recommended to us, that room is seriously calming. At night, John and I have been lying in our bed, looking through the little window into the baby's room, and we can see the glow-in-the-dark clouds of the djeco mobile floating slowly past. I have to be honest, it really is pretty transfixing. Even if the baby isn't calmed or soothed by all our efforts, John and I will be far more mellow from the hypnotic qualities of that room. Oooooommmmmmm! Ooooooooommmmm! All very zen.

Some of the art work has also shown up-- remarkably the back-ordered Brooklyn screen print poster beat everybody else to the punch, and arrived yesterday. (This is what I get for ordering art from a little boutique supplier based in London... Speed is not the name of the game.) I'm planning to make the trek to Michael's Arts & Crafts this weekend to buy some ready-made frames, so hopefully I'll be able to get a couple of the art pieces up before next weekend, WHEN THIS BABY IS SUPPOSED TO ARRIVE. (Eeeeeeeekkkkk!!!!!)

In truth, I'm actually so eager for him to show up, and keep trying to convince him to seize the day and get a move on. So far... no dice, but I promise I'll keep everybody posted when we zip off to the hospital. Maybe blogging will be a great distraction once I go into the first phases of labor? Leave it to me to try to multi-task delivering a baby... : )

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