Sunday, February 15, 2015

What a lovely Valentine!

I'm pretty sure that home improvement is one of my favorite romantic gestures.

Nothing says, "I love you" quite like John spending most of his Saturday jerry-rigging a pair of antique (hardware-less) sconces to hang properly in my guest room without electrocuting someone.

That's some romance, yo.

But then, as if that wasn't already enough, John even installed that salvaged brass ceiling fixture! It's possible he may have said something like, "This looks like a giant doorbell" while he was doing it, but that made me laugh so hard that I could overlook his pedestrian opinion. Once it was up we both agreed that it looks significantly better than the school house light fixture dangling down inside the canopy bed, which was just down-right weird looking, though I think we'd both agree that it does actually look A LOT  like a giant doorbell too. That is probably going to continue to make me laugh every time I think about it.

In fact, it's making me laugh again, right now. 

The finishing touch: I unrolled the orange-and-blue oriental rug that I just brought up from the city (remember-- it was replaced by that fantastic jute rug?) and honestly-- the whole guest room was rejuvenated! The rug colors are almost bizarrely perfect for that room-- like the throw pillows and curtains have been waiting for the rug to show up for months. This room is finally getting close to finished-- I just have that bloody chimney to address... John wants to knock the whole freaking thing out-- I want to drywall it so it's like a little eave, or even frame out a closet in that corner and just absorb the stupid chimney inside the closet--- but mainly- we both wish it would just be DONE ALREADY so we didn't have to address it at all.

Alas. That is definitely not how home improvement works when you're dealing with a budget of our size (zero). To be addressed at a later date...

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