Friday, March 30, 2012

Ignore the weather! Channel SPRING!

In an effort to deny that the weather has totally abandoned its spring-like ways, I picked up a bundle of cherry branches from our local flower shop. These guys, which started out as basically bare branches, have slowly burst with blossoms over the past week, in such a lovely, day-brightening spectacle that I felt like I had to share them. You've got to have a little patience, as it take a couple of days for them to open, and initially everyone who walks into your house will question the presence of sticks-in-a-vase. Just ignore them- they've got no vision! 

Another perk to the blossomy branches: They make me feel like I'm living in a photo shoot every time I walk into the apartment. (I guess photographers must love them as much as I do, because you always see them in home design spreads...) Check out a couple hits below:

As Mummy says, this one looks like they took down an entire tree.
What a sacrifice for beauty!

Something to keep in mind when you're building and placing a flower arrangement, especially one with 42" sticks in it: Don't place said fabulous flower arrangement on the center of your dinner table despite how tempting it might be. Instead, position it on a console table, cocktail table, sideboard, or kitchen island. If you don't, you'll find yourself moving it perpetually or talking awkwardly around it whenever you sit down to dinner. The photo below is not a good example of this advice.... : ) 

In addition to having a crick in your neck at the end of a dinner at this table, I think the odds are good you'd hit your head on these branches standing up... A tad precarious, if you ask me. : ) 

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