Saturday, March 23, 2013

Serious Progress!

Alright folks-- we're really makin' some headway now!

I didn't mention this before, but last weekend I posted the camper/guest house on Craig's List, and just this morning I got someone to roll her away. It was a bit of a heartbreak to see the Ol' Covered Wagon go, but it was time to get some of the sh---t off of our lawn if we are serious about getting Fox Ridge sold. I have to admit, it was nice to see someone else excited about the camper-- the guy who bought her had grand plans for another renovation and many more trips around New England, which made it a little easier to say good bye. That trailer and I have been through a lot together-- as had John's family. Hopefully now it has moved onto better pastures and a brighter future...

Happy Trails Sir! 

Not only was that accomplished this morning, but I also went outside and discovered that our house is officially "For Sale". A sign has been posted, we're up on the website and we're making it happen! If you haven't already sent an email to everyone you know about us selling our house, you can now email them the link, so it will be even easier to find us!

Fingers crossed people!!

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